Welcome Message

The British School in Cairo has come a long way since its establishment back in August, 2004. It has grown in so many ways – in physical size, in the facilities on campus, in the number of pupils on roll (which has tripled to more than a thousand), and in reputation in the local community.

Many of us who have been honoured to participate in the School’s journey since then are justifiably proud of its various achievements. We have now started to see pupils who spent a decade or so at the School graduate and enter top universities and competitive faculties, either in Egypt or overseas, many of them with full scholarships. It has been gratifying to see how pupils have flourished at the British School in Cairo over the years, not only academically, but also socially, physically and culturally. They have had the opportunity to take part in a rich array of sporting, citizenship and extra-curricular activities, such as trips in Egypt and overseas, camps, musical shows, debates and concerts.

Our pupils continue to be at the heart of our concerns and our decision-making. We are proud of our reputation of having some of the most pleasant and best behaved cohorts of pupils in any school, and wish to remain selective in our intake, and to retain the highest standards of ethics and behaviour at all times. Levels of academic achievement continue to increase over the years, with some year groups having 100 percent of their pupils at or above the year group target in core skills, despite a vast majority of second-language learners.

We wish to retain and consolidate our strong links with the local community, including the many charity events managed by founding Administrative Principal, Ms Mouchira Louis, such as the annual fundraising Fun Day and Orphans’ Day events. We also retain a Partnership Agreement with the British University in Egypt, which offers a full scholarship to the top graduates of our IGCSE section, led by Coordinator and IGCSE Principal Ms A’mal Amer, each year.

The Senior Leadership of the school, including many dedicated and long-serving Key Stage Heads, also aims to strengthen relationships with our parent base, including via the new Foundation Parent Workshops and Key Stage One events held this year.

It is our passionate belief that our youngsters deserve the very best, fully rounded international education possible; to equip them not only for university and the workplace, but also to shape their characters and build their cultural, sporting and other interests and values, as well as general life skills. It is our aim to ignite their inbuilt passion and thirst for new knowledge and skills, and inspire them with a lifetime love of learning. Only in that way, will they truly face the new and fast-changing demands of coming decades and develop into leaders and pioneers in their own right.

Finally, a word of thanks. Thank you to every pupil, parent and staff member for their vital contribution to the School. Every word and every action makes a difference, and has made a difference, to building a School which is far more than just the buildings and facilities, but is actually a close-knit family, or community of learners, old and young alike, centred around a shared mission of meeting pupils’ needs. We all look forward to seeing the School continue to develop and flourish much further into its second decade of existence and beyond.

Rachel Noeman, Headteacher, Cairo, February, 2016.

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