School broadly follows the English National Curriculum in all age groups,
alongside the Egyptian National Curriculum in Arabic and Religion from Year 1
onwards, and the Egyptian National Curriculum in Social Studies from Year 4 onwards.
A Cambridge international curriculum is followed in core subjects in Primary
and Key Stage Three, leading to Cambridge Checkpoints external examinations in
Years 6 and 8 in English, Mathematics and Science. Pupils also study Arabic
from Nursery (Foundation Stage One/ FS1), aged 3.5-4.5 years old at least, and
Religion in Arabic from Reception (FS2), aged 4.5-5.5 years old.
Arabic, Religion and Egyptian Social Studies exams are held throughout the
year, especially during the main Mid-Year and End-Year exam sessions under the
supervision of the Egyptian Ministry of Education (MoE).
and a third language (either French or German) are introduced from Year One
In Year
9, pupils enter the Senior School/ IGCSE Section, doing first one year of
“Pre-IGCSE” or “IGCSE Core” Studies, with external exams held under the aegis
of the British Council in five core subjects – English, Mathematics, Chemistry,
Physics and Biology, as well as external MoE Arabic, Religion and Egyptian
Social Studies exams.
then choose which subjects to study each year, usually for a further three
years, for IGCSE O Levels, AS and A2/ A Levels. The British School in Cairo has
long served as a British Council-approved Examination Centre for those
examinations, and is subject to regular inspections.